Having Fun with Numbers: Expressing the Speed of Light as a Power of π
The irrational number π plays an important role in geometry and trigonometry. It also appears in the expressions of some fundamental physical quantities and equations...
December 2024Novel 4π Field-of-View Gamma-ray Imaging
2023 NSS student paper awardee - "Novel 4π Field-of-View Gamma-ray Imaging"
June 2024Development of Novel CsCl-based Ultrafast Scintillators
Ultrafast scintillators are significant for excellent timing resolution. Core Valence or cross luminescence is a mechanism to achieve ultrafast emission in inorganic crystals, important for radiation detection applications.
March 2024AI Denoising for X-ray and Nuclear Tomography*
Deep-learning denoising techniques provide value for medical imaging practitioners, their patients and families, in improving accuracy in reading images.
March 2024Large-Scale Interposer Technology as PCB Substitute in Cryogenic Particle Physics Experiments
The nEXO experiment search for neutrino-less double beta decay (0vββ) has concluded, in 2018, that it would not be possible to use PCBs in the detector.
September 2023