Secretary’s Report

As Vesna noted in her report, AdCom met virtually with FinCom and ComCom meetings being held on June 23rd and AdCom meeting with a limited agenda on June 24th. We were pleased to have guests Lisa Boyd from IEEE MCE and Mark Tillack, retired, UCSD, join us.
Our treasurer, Ralf Engels, confirmed that at the moment the society is fiscally sound. However, there are a number of threats to that situation including reduced revenue from hybrid conferences which are less predictable and therefore harder to forecast expenses and income than conventional in-person conferences, the increasing risk of significantly reduced publication income from Open Access (OA), exacerbated by a directive that all US government-funded research papers must be available in OA without a grace period, and also potential changes in how IEEE taxes society income which will reduce our funds further. This will, therefore, limit our initiatives activities as well, possibly, as such things as creating new awards or other activities of benefit to our members
Ralf reiterated that all conference treasurers must use the budget tool and if a loan is needed it may take two to three months to process the request which cannot, itself, be initiated until the budget has been approved. Most importantly, the budget entries need to be kept up to date. He also asked whether we want to continue with print media for our journals. Many prefer reading paper but is the expense warranted when all our members have access to these journals on line?
Paul Dressendorfer, Publications Chair reported on discussions with IEEE related to our journal pricing and thus far no satisfactory answers have been obtained. Paul also noted that if we ceased providing print editions of our journals the revenue overall would drop. In addition, IEEE is changing its accounting plan. This will also cost NPSS revenue. There also seem to be discrepancies/inaccuracies in the base being used.
He also commented on the five-year reviews of our journals. There were no major concerns but the concerns noted included the limited geographical diversity of all editors and the very limited number of women editors. And as noted in prior reviews, the Editors-in-Chief have served too long in some instances. The TPS editor, who has served about 30 years, will retire in 2024.
Reports were also received from the Finance Committee principally related to Initiatives, and from the Communications Committee with discussion of the new brochure and of the need for each conference to have a link on its web site to Join IEEE and NPSS. The Fellow Evaluation Chair provided a report outlining some of the new procedures for the committee, the Nominations Committee chair noted AdCom positions to be filled and urged TC committees to get their nomination slates submitted quickly. The Awards chair noted that the awards presented by Technical Committees all have to have their descriptions brought into alignment with current policy. EduCom noted that two schools were already held this year and others are already being planned for 2024. Guidelines: Get TC chair to approve request; have a budget; enlist local support, including financial.
Between meetings AdCom voted, as reported in the last Newsletter, to reduce the number of mandatory elected seats on a TC ExCom or Standing Committee from 15 to nine.
AdCom Actions
- CANPS moves that AdCom approve the new wording for the CANPS award as presented to AdCom on June 24, 2023 Approved, 21 Y 0 N, 0 A.
- RE moves to create a new service award:
- Recognition of a member of the Radiation Effects community who has demonstrated exemplary services to the meetings and conferences of the Radiation Effects Committee over a sustained period.
- Funded by the Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference unless a suitable endowment is established.
Approved by AdCom 22 Y, 0 N, 0 A
- FinCom approves transferring up to $500k from 2023 surpluses to the NPSS Foundation Fund in November. The exact amount will be determined by the NPSS Treasurer and the NPSS President. Approved: 21 Y, 1 N, 0 A.
- FinCom approves using the prioritization of initiatives submitted for approval on 6/23/23. Approved 21 Y, 0 N, 0 A.
Albe Larsen, IEEE NPSS Secretary and Newsletter Editor, can be reached by E-mail at [email protected]