Secretary’s Report

The IEEE NPSS Administrative Committee (AdCom) met in Tampa, FL on November 1st and 2nd at the end of the 2024 NSS/MIC/RTSD conferences. The Finance and Communications committees met on the first while AdCom met on the second. Both were hybrid meetings but there was a substantial in-person attendance.
Reports from our President, liaison to TAB and Treasurer all indicate that our society is in good health with both conferences and publications doing well, as was verified by reports from the Technical Committee chairs and from our Publications chair.
This is the time of year when we recognize the service of those leaving AdCom or who have completed service in one position but who remain in other roles. AdCom members whose term has ended include Christine Coverdale (PSAC), Martin Grossmann (Transnational Chair), Robert Miyaoka (NMISC). Robert remains as Membership Chair and Martin as Educational Activities Chair. Stefan Ritt, current EduCom Chair, will join Peter Clout as Co-Chair of the Communications Committee. A number of Technical Committees will also have new Chairs. Kay Chesnut has replaced Robert Reed as Radiation Effects Chair (an election out of synch with other NPSS elections); Pierre-Andre Amadruz of TRIUMF will become chair of CANPS, replacing David Abbott of Jefferson Lab; Paolo Craievich of PSI will replace Wolfram Fischer of BNL as PAST Chair; Chungqi Jiang of ODU will replace Brad Hoff as PSAC Chair.
Sara Pozzi, University of Michigan, has been elected NPSS President starting January 2025 and Lorenzo Fabris of ORNL will be the Vice President, President-elect.
AdCom Actions:
- PPST requests technical cosponsorship from NPSS of the 2026 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference in Las Vegas, NV on July 12th – 16th, 2026. Passed. No Objection.
- PPST requests technical cosponsorship from NPSS of the EAPACC/BEAMS/EML conference in Nagoaka, Japan on September 13th – 17th, 2026. Passed. No objection.
- PPST requests the $1,450 fee for technical cosponsorship of the EAPPC/BEAMS/EML conference be covered by NPSS. Passed. No objection.
- NPSS AdCom approves $10,000 per year for three years to join the IEEE Smart Village (ISV) Patrons Board. The funds support ISV program administration (this is to meet the practical reality that funds are needed for professional staff + tools to administer projects). NPSS will appoint an NPSS Representative to the Patrons Board to attend quarterly virtual meetings, deliver on expectations outlined in MOU. Passed. No objection.
- NPSS AdCom approves the increase of the Coalition for Plasma Science (CPS) budget for 2025 from $10,000 to $12,000. The additional amount will be used to support one Science Trust-trained plasma/fusion ambassador to host a workshop on battling misinformation at an NPSS-sponsored conference. Endorsed by NPSS FinCom 01-Nov-2024. Passed. No objection.
- Moved by the Publications Committee: AdCom approves the appointment of Zane Bell as EiC of TNS for another term, starting February 1st, 2025. Passed. No objection.

Action on a request by SSCD was put on hold and will be voted on after this meeting.
A motion to approve changes to the Plasma Science and Applications Constitution and Bylaws has been postponed to the March 2025 meeting to be held in New Brunswick, NJ.
And last, this is my final report as NPSS Secretary, a post I’ve held since January 1995. It is my pleasure to announce that David Abbott of Jefferson Lab has agreed to take on this job. Welcome David!
Albe Larsen, IEEE NPSS Secretary, can be reached by E-mail at [email protected].