Radiation Instrumentation

We just successfully concluded the first of our RISC-related technically cosponsored conferences, ANIMMA 2023. Please click here for a detailed summary of the conference and a workshop that was held in conjunction with the conference. Preparations for our primary RISC conference, the 2023 NSS/MIC/RTSD in Vancouver are also in full swing. Like many, I too look forward to the scientific portion and to meeting many of you in person. Encourage everyone to take advantage of the September 14th early bird deadline to register for the conference. The conference Joint Oversight Subcommittee (JOS) has also completed evaluating proposals from several European sites for the 2026 NSS/MIC conference, and a formal announcement is expected by the Vancouver meeting.
I would also like to highlight a competitive NPSS funding mechanism (“Initiatives”) available to support and promote pilot activities that are currently not funded under our operational budget. The proposals need to be aligned with the strategic goals of NPSS, and benefit members of our technical area. The early submission deadline for the next cycle is in January 2024. However, it is always helpful to reach out early via email or in-person during the conference. If you are interested and have ideas you would love to explore, please reach out to me or to our current RISC Initiatives Chair Lorenzo Fabris.
And finally, a reminder about the annual RISC Members-at-Large election where we elect five new members to serve a three-year term on the Radiation Instrumentation Steering Committee (RISC). This election is administered by IEEE and so be on the lookout for the ballot and do not forget to cast your vote before the deadline!
Srilalan Krishnamoorthy, RISC Chair, is with University of Pennsylvania; Phone: +1 215 746-6892; Mobile +1 631 355-9958; E-mail: [email protected]