Pulsed Power Science and Technology

We had a great turnout for the 2023 Pulsed Power Conference in San Antonio, TX, in June. I would like to send special thanks to everyone who served on the conference organizing committee, contributed to the Workshop on Pulsed Power for Fusion Applications, chaired a session, presented their research, or just showed up to have a good time in San Antonio.
I would like to congratulate all of our conference award winners for their outstanding research in the field of pulsed power. The Erwin Marx Pulsed Power Award was presented to Dr. Rick B. Spielman for contributions to the development of vacuum post-hole convolutes and magnetically insulated transmission lines (MITL) and their successful impact on Sandia National Laboratory’s Z-Machine and Saturn pulsed power machines.
The Peter Haas Pulsed Power Award was presented to Dr. Bryan V. Oliver for contributions to the development of pulsed power capabilities for X-ray radiography and the science of radiation effects in materials and electronics.
The 2022 Arthur H. Guenther Pulsed Power Student Award was presented to William Brooks for his contributions toward the understanding of high current lightning propagation in wire-carrying electrical conduits. The 2023 Arthur H. Guenther Pulsed Power Student Award was presented to Hao Sun for his contributions towards advancing the understanding of inductive pulsed power supplies for sourcing electromagnetic launchers. The winner of the Pulsed Power Conference’s Best Student Paper was Timothy Wong from the University of Strathclyde, and the honorable mention went to Ejlal Shahriari from the Universite de Pau. We look forward to seeing everyone again in 2025 in Berlin at the combined Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference, PPPS.
Heather O’Brien, PPST Chair, can be reached by E-mail at [email protected]