A New Newsletter Format

You will have noticed that this newsletter has arrived in a new and different format. For many years we had published the newsletter on actual paper that was mailed out. A few years ago we switched to online distribution only, however, we left the “paper” format as it was, and distributed a PDF that looked like the original print-format issue.
In 2022, then-NPSS President Steven Meikle established a committee to evaluate new formats, appearances, and also technologies to bring our Newsletter into a more modern format, and asked me to chair this committee.
What you are seeing here today is the result of that committee’s work. Instead of an all-in-one single document you see a number of links that lead to each full article. You will also have received an e-mail with the Newsletter announcement with short teasers and similar embedded links that lead to the articles.
We believe that this will give us a better and more interactive reading experience, streamline the layout process, and will in the future open the way to the easier inclusion of new media, such as videos.

The screenshot shown here is from a “shadow” version of the December 2023 issue (still distributed in the traditional format) that we used to practice and experiment with the new format. You see a link to past issues, a “featured” article, and, on the sidebar, the links to the individual articles, grouped by general topic.
We hope that you will like the new format. Please send suggestions and criticisms to me. A big Thank You to the members of the newsletter Committee: Peter Clout, Ralf Engels, Richard Kouzes, Albe Larsen, Stefan Ritt and Dimitris Visvikis, as well as our graphic designer, Betty Hinchman.
Martin Purschke, Chair of the Newsletter Reformatting Committee, can be reached at [email protected].