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IEEE NPSS Newsletter

IEEE Foundation NPSS Fund

Roger Fulton, Chair, IEEE Foundation NPSS Fund

The IEEE Foundation NPSS Fund was established in 2021 to support NPSS projects for educational, outreach, diversity or humanitarian purposes, consistent with the IEEE’s mission to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

As a subsidiary of the IEEE Foundation, the Fund is able to receive donations from individuals, and limited amounts of unspent NPSS initiative funds and operating surpluses that would otherwise go into IEEE reserves.

Individuals can donate to the Fund at Donations from individuals in 2023 totaled an extraordinary US$12,500. We thank each and every donor for their generous support. US tax-payers are able to take donations as a charitable contribution to the extent allowed by law.

If you are interested in knowing more about the NPSS Foundation Fund, please visit the Fund web page and consider making a donation. Your generosity will enable NPSS to:

  • Expand its support for NPSS Schools on instrumentation, medical imaging and other relevant topics in developing regions,
  • Improve the living conditions and access to education for people in remote parts of the world through humanitarian projects,
  • Promote the participation of women and other minorities in NPSS-related engineering and scientific professions, and
  • Support fellowship grants and awards for students and early career researchers in NPSS-related fields. 

Roger Fulton, Chair, Management Committee, IEEE NPSS Fund, can be reached by E-mail at [email protected].